Crossing the Blues, University of the Nations, Social Work and Education

Pg. 99 & Circle takes the square - Pyramids in cloth [Document #13] (Split-7'')

Crossing the Blues, University of the Nations, Social Work and Education, Shop Clothes Online, Radiology Information Social Work and Education

These two great American screamo bands really fit together on this release. With both having an individual and intensive style, it's no wonder that they belong to the most famous bands in this genre.

01. Circle takes the square - Patchwork neurology
02. Circle takes the square - We're sustained by the corpse of a fallen constellation
03. Pg. 99 - Goodbye, face
04. Pg. 99 - Calm song

info: 2002 / 11:21 min / 192 kBits / 15.6 mb


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