Crossing the Blues, University of the Nations, Social Work and Education

Pawan Kalyan's Shadow/Kaali Story Out Look

Crossing the Blues, University of the Nations, Social Work and Education, Shop Clothes Online, Radiology Information Social Work and Education
Shadow na Kaali na inka Confirm kaledu..
But Story Line Matram Excellent undi :)

Story Source By Ashok reddy

Us lo Enno telivi tetalu unna oka
scientist accident lo chanipoye
situation lo untadu (chanipoye
time ki deshaniki enta gano
upayogapade oka formula ni
kanukkuntadu..Adi evariki telvadu.
So aa forumla kaapadataniki
doctors itanu chanipoyadu ani
cheppi brain ni maatram daastaru)

Ade time lo oka young guy brain
surgery in India (i mean brain
transplantation) kosam oka
request vastadi...
So aa scientist brain ni ee
young guy ki set chestaru...
Aa scientist brain kosam US
nunchi oka gang separate ga
search chesta untadi to get
that brain (aa formula kosam
trying anna maata).....

So Story mottam ala brain chuttu
tiruguta untadi.. US gang aa brain
unna vanni sampadinchataniki...
Young Guy pk gariki idi telsi valla
nunchi tanani aa brain ni kapadutu
chivaraki aa brain ni Indian
Government ni Present cheyatam
kosam chese Journey ne

Chivarlo PK(rendo) sir Chanipotaru.
First lo Oka PK sir chanipotaru..
Heroin part chala takkuva anta or

First half anta PK gariki asalu
enduku vellanta tana
ventapadutunnaru n vallaki em
kavalo telusukovataniki saripoddi.

Second half how can i protect this
brain ani think cheyataniki
saripoddi anta...
Screenplay baaga vachindi with
gripping scenes anta. ..
Scientist kanipettina formula and
aayana scenes anni suspense ata...
Chala illogicals n loop holes
Story concept ok..
But ela untado mana audience ki
New concept anedi maatram Sure...

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