Compilation against right-wing structres in music-(sub)cultures and for the German project Turn it down.
01. Düsenjäger - Sekundenschlaf vs. Schweigeminute
02. Highscore - Hardcore bores me to death
03. Chispas - Stagnation
04. Mad Minority - Kalifornien
05. Lattekohlertor - The return of german rockmusic
06. Mallorys Last Dance - This is how it ends
07. Kobayashi - Neurosen
08. Grabowski - Wo fang ich an?
09. The Now Denial - Dusty gunslinger master
10. Jet Black - 48h
11. Koyaanisqatsi - Weil du es ja weisst
12. El Mariachi - I can’t relax in Deutschland
13. Kassiopeia - Szenebrummkreisel
14. Escapado - Nur der Gedanke
15. Paranoia Keeps Crawling - Please tell us again we’re free
16. Daddy Longleg - Muerte al poder
17. Katzenstreik - Davy
info: 2004 / 49:20 min / 256 kBits / 82.4 mb
Uploaded by Synalgie Records
01. Düsenjäger - Sekundenschlaf vs. Schweigeminute
02. Highscore - Hardcore bores me to death
03. Chispas - Stagnation
04. Mad Minority - Kalifornien
05. Lattekohlertor - The return of german rockmusic
06. Mallorys Last Dance - This is how it ends
07. Kobayashi - Neurosen
08. Grabowski - Wo fang ich an?
09. The Now Denial - Dusty gunslinger master
10. Jet Black - 48h
11. Koyaanisqatsi - Weil du es ja weisst
12. El Mariachi - I can’t relax in Deutschland
13. Kassiopeia - Szenebrummkreisel
14. Escapado - Nur der Gedanke
15. Paranoia Keeps Crawling - Please tell us again we’re free
16. Daddy Longleg - Muerte al poder
17. Katzenstreik - Davy
info: 2004 / 49:20 min / 256 kBits / 82.4 mb
Uploaded by Synalgie Records