Screamo from Germany, with acoustic-guitars! These boys are getting better and better. Forget their 2006-s/t release, the new shit is much more ass-kicking. Less clean vocals (the singer actually can't sing..), more screams. You'll get the new "Komödie/Tragödie?"-EP here soon.
01. Anfang vom Ende
02. Song within a song
03. Far away from eye, far away from heart
04. Haarspalterei
05. I threw my hands up in the air, but my arms did their duty
06. Polaroids sind auch nur Menschen
07. Enfolded
08. Komm zum Punkt
09. .
10. Star place #14
info: 2007 / 34:57 min / 128 kBits / 31.7 mb
01. Anfang vom Ende
02. Song within a song
03. Far away from eye, far away from heart
04. Haarspalterei
05. I threw my hands up in the air, but my arms did their duty
06. Polaroids sind auch nur Menschen
07. Enfolded
08. Komm zum Punkt
09. .
10. Star place #14
info: 2007 / 34:57 min / 128 kBits / 31.7 mb